Wednesday, 20 February 2008


SITE: Taipei City, Taiwan

FRAME: Third Generation City

1. Determine and find the Local Knowledge SEEDS of the Third Generation City.
- Research and analyze one seed.

2. Produce a 1:1 scale realized design reaction based on the Local Knowledge essence of the Seed.
- The 1:1 scale structure will be constructed on the site.

3. Produce a future visionary plan of the Third Generation Taipei based on the understanding of the Local Knowledge and experience gained during the 1:1 scale realization.
The students are expected to work with high level of independence. Much of the design studio dialogue between the students and the professor will be based on web.

The design studio contains intense workshop periods.

Taipei is a unique city in the world what comes to the simultaneous existence of the different layers from the different generations of the city's development. The students are expected to deal with the phenomena of the Third Generation City from a fresh and open minded Taiwanese viewpoint that will participate in the global discussion of the industrial urbanization.

Local Knowledge blog launch. Start of the design studio.
* Task 1

1.3. - 6.3. INTENSIVE 1
Marco in Taiwan.
* Site specific scanning
* Site specific tasks

6.3. - 1.4.
Independent work. Web dialog student - Marco.
* Local Knowledge site analysis
* 1:1 scale construction

1.4. - 6.4 INTENSIVE 2
Marco in Taiwan
* 1:1 scale work finishing and critics

6.4 - 1.5.
Independent work. Web dialog student - Marco
* Process analysis
* 3G Taipei planning

1.5. - 6.5. INTENSIVE 3
Marco in Taiwan
* 3G Taipei

6.5. - 1.6.
Independent work. Web dialog student - Marco
* 3g Taipei / Local Knowledge

1.6. - 6.6 INTENSIVE 4
Marco in Taiwan
* Finishing the work
* Exhibition architecture planning

6.6. - X
Exhibition architecture
* Web
* Print

June X.
Final Critics
Marco in Taiwan

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